Meet Trevor Su, a grade 6 student from Roy H. Crosby PS & future Botanist!
Trevor Su is a grade 6 student from Roy H. Crosby’s gifted program and an important member of the STEM Kids Rock STEM Squad! Trevor enjoys his time at school and is participating in the ECO Team where he tries to open the beauty of natural world to his peers.
Ever since he was little, Trevor has been passionate about nature, especially plants. He is a voracious reader and borrows lots of books from his local public library. The subjects Trevor enjoys most are: botany, lepidopterology, ichthyology, ornithology.
Trevor’s dream is to receive a degree in botany so he can become a plant hunter to hunt for pitcher plants, orchids and other very fascinating plants. His favorite plant is currently the Christmas Star Orchids (Angraecum sesquipedale, also known as Darwin’s orchid)
which has giant pristine white flowers with long spur at the end of the flower. He also wants to study plants and use his knowledge to find cures for diseases to save people.
Besides school and his passion in nature, Trevor also enjoys travelling with his family. Last year they had a road trip to Quebec and Trevor loved it. With beautiful national and provincial parks, Quebec is perfect for sightseeing and appreciating wildlife. Trevor’s favorite places in Quebec include Reford Gardens, Percé Rock, Bonaventure Island and Forillon National Park.
This week, Trevor along with his classmate and fellow STEM Kids Rock STEM Squad member Daniel Zhao will be presenting a Prehistoric Fossil STEAM Workshop to their peers! We are very proud of Trevor and the volunteer work he does with STEM Kids Rock!