Meet STEM Kids Rock's Daniel Zhao!
STEM Kids Rock's Daniel Zhao is a grade five student at Roy H. Crosby Public School's Gifted Program. His favourite subjects are science, biology, health, music and mathematics. He attends every STEM Kids Rock Free Mobile Science Centre Events and is our amazing Rocks & Minerals Expert!
At school, Daniel joined the Health Action and it has been a life changing experience for him. The Health Action Team organizes a lot of events for the school like sports, smoothies, "Walking Wednesday" and more. Walking Wednesday is an event every Wednesday that encourages students to walk to school. Every time, one of the team members would give a sticker to the walker and by the end a month, the class with the most stickers would get a prize. In addition, Daniel also plays many sports such as swimming, hockey, and badminton.
In addition to his work with STEM Kids Rock, Daniel has assisted the City of Markham's spring cleanup for "SURF" (South Unionville Resident Forum) and the Annual Tree Planting.
Daniel aspires to work for NASA when he is older and his love of learning and sharing of his knowledge to his peers will help him make this dream a reality! Thank you Daniel for making such a huge difference in our community and for inspiring the next generation of STEM leaders!
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